Have you tried to change your lifestyle for the better in the past, and been unsuccessful? As a Personal Trainer and Healthy Habit Coach I find the most common mistake made by all of us is expecting too much.
Life is
busy: Work, kids, relationships, monetary concerns, as we set about changing
our lifestyle typical goals include: Lose weight, get fit, be more active, and
eat less. The issue here is that although these aspirations are well meaning
they are simply too big. The key
with habit making is small/ micro goals which are too easy to say no= setting
yourself up to succeed! We all like to succeed!!
This is
incredibly important. Understand completely what you have asked of yourself. For
instance: If you want to lose weight, the habit you chose to focus on maybe
“eat one extra vegetable per day” This will work for a number of reasons: fibrous
vegetables have little energy/ calories, the bulk of them can help to displace
more energy dense foods. For many this will be achievable.
How can I
do this?
vegetables into batons twice weekly, store them in the fridge in portion size
containers and eat for a snack. As Bruce
Lee famously said: “Simplicity is the key to brilliance!”
2: Keep it
quick and easy:
The habit
you choose should be so easy you can’t say no. It should be completed and
logged in a matter of minutes each day. A busy individual, who does little
activity, with lots of commitments who wants to move more, is likely to
struggle to walk for an hour a day.
How can I
do this?
Plan your
day so that you have time to take the stairs on the way in and out of the
office, likely to take a couple of minutes (provided you don’t work on floor 38
at Canary Wharf).
One of the
main objectives with habit forming is consistency; we are all the sum of our
small repeated, effortless actions! In order to monitor consistency you could
keep a log, a simple tick sheet, like the one below does a great job.
How can I do this?
and print the habit tracker below. Amazing what a simple tick in a box does for
adherence (remember gold stars when you were at school? –the principle is the
4: Keep a trigger (AKA a reminder):
How many
times have you told yourself “Today I’m going to…………” in order to become
healthier. The problem is that unless we commit to when this will happen,
it’s likely that we will get caught up on other things (walking the dog,
feeding the children, visiting relatives etc.).
How can I
do this?
All of our
lives follow a similar pattern, take a look at your day… you already have loads of habits, such as: Wake up, shower, have breakfast, brush teeth……… Attach
the new habit to an existing one, I like to call this HABIT STACKING…. Soon,
you won’t be able to old habit without the new
5: Keep it small:
They say
size doesn’t matter, it’s certainly true when it comes to habits.
It's much
better to create a small sustainable habit than to ask too much. How many times
have you tried to change without success? It's a good idea to ask less of
yourself and be kind as you set about changing your habits. Small habits can
always be made bigger!
How can I
do this?
If the
habit you’re working on takes more than 2/3 minutes a day you are unlikely to
sustain it! –Enter failure, and all the emotions that go with it! Perhaps take
a look at some of your previous attempts to change and ask yourself why it
didn’t work, the likely response is: “It’s too hard! I can’t do it!, I don’t
like it!, I don’t have time!“Incubate
the habit, make it bigger over time!”
Our brains
like repetition, it views repetition as safe! Lets take advantage of this!
Remember: “A habit is
a routine of behaviour that is repeated regularly, and tends to occur
Think of the brain as a field. If you tread the same steps often enough, you create a pathway.
Try taking
a walk in a field but don’t use the footpath, see how strange it feels!
How can I
do this?
Make sure
your habit can be practised daily at exactly the same trigger. This will build Neuro footprints in our behaviour/ pathways.
7: Take a
break, once a week:
Yes! That’s
right! Choose one day a week and have a break from habit building and tracking.
You did great for 6 out of 7 days so take a day off (of habit tracking only,
everything else stays in order). When you return to tracking the following day,
it will be with new enthusiasm. Remember: “It’s so easy you can’t say NO!”
How can I
do this?
Choose the
day, and take a break from habit tracking. It’s that simple. For many people it
will be a Saturday. Remember this isn’t a carte blanche to eat whatever you want
and spend the day on the sofa, you don’t want to waste the effort that you’ve
put in this week ;-)
Weekends are dangerous as our routine is often more relaxed. The weekend begins
Friday so each Thursday, think about how will you manage the weekend? What are
the boundaries make sure these are clear every Thursday!
8: Keep it
right Gangsta! …………
Friday, you look at your tracker and you have managed to complete the habit
twice this week (SIGH!). So revisit the habit: Why hasn’t it worked? Too
complicated? Takes too long? It's too expensive? Then revise the habit.......
How can I
do this?
Make the
habit and your expectations of yourself smaller, SET YOURSELF UP TO SUCCEED.
Once you have consistency (12 out of 14 days) you can make the habit bigger and
more challenging.
You know
you should be drinking around 3 litres of water a day, but you were smart, when
you set this habit up! Having tried to increase water intake and given up
before, you chose to have a glass of water before your first cup of coffee each
day. You’ve smashed the habit for 14
days, you’re proud and you know you can do more.
Go ahead, progress… maybe you will have another glass of water before lunch?
Go ahead, progress… maybe you will have another glass of water before lunch?
How can I
do this?
Review the
tracker, 12 out of 14 is your pass to progress the goal. Keep progressions
small to ensure success.
10: Keep trying:
So you
tried, it went wrong. Spend some time looking at what it was like to complete
the habit in real life. Sometimes we have lofty aspirations and our daily life
gets in the way. What was the obstacle and why did it get in the way?
The thing
that separates those who succeed from those who do not is successful people
don’t give up! Check out this video link, where James Dyson speaks about
failure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5eIyRVpwmc
Feel free to use this link to get your own habit Tracker:
Feel free to use this link to get your own habit Tracker:
If you have any questions or would like to talk to me about how you can change your habits, long term – then
why not get in touch? Call me on 01273
Andy Payne is a Personal Trainer, based near Brighton in East
Sussex, and founder of Three Pillars of Fitness, Exercise : Diet : Mind. You can follow him on Facebook and twitter
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