Friday, 26 May 2017

Top 10 Tips for losing weight:

Losing weight is never easy, keeping the weight off is even harder. I lost over 8.5 stone over a two year period, that was over 10 years ago and have maintained a healthy weight and lifestyle ever since.
I have a real understanding of the challenges individuals face and my top 10 tips for losing weight are based on my own experiences as well as the experiences of my truly exceptional clients.

1) Hydrate: (water means life!):
It’s basic but vital, it’s all around us, it’s FREE and it contains no calories….

Your body is using water from conception until the end of your life. Water hydrates the brain, lubricates skin and tissues, eliminates toxins helps digestion, regulates body temperature, generates energy and reduces water retention. Our requirement for water varies, somewhere between 2 and 3 litres (total hydration) per day is ideal. Water is the simplest, best way to hydrate.

The human brain is exceptional BUT it confuses thirst with hunger, so when you feel hungry hydrate first, then reconsider.

In one study, middle-aged overweight and obese participants who drank water before each meal lost 44% more weight than a group who did not.

Another study also showed that drinking water before breakfast reduced the amount of calories consumed during that meal by 13%.

More information can be found here:


2) Find a way to move more: (with resistance):
Bodyweight exercises, resistance bands, kettle bells, the method is unimportant, move your body and include a resistance. This will help you to increase muscle mass, speed up your metabolism and BAM! You can eat more!!!!!
Increasing muscle mass means your body is burning energy quickly and efficiently, it also means activities of daily life (ADL’s) become easier (think household chores, playing with the kids, even getting in and out of you car!).

According to , every pound of muscle uses about 6 calories a day just to sustain itself, while each pound of fat burns only 2 calories a day.

More info here:


3) Fruit and vegetables: (Yep old school, but it works!):
I like to call these little beauties “natures jewels” They pack such extraordinary qualities, water, fibre, colour (anti oxidants), vitamins and minerals.“Natures jewels” will fill you up without wasting valuable calories.
-       Fruit, vegetables and starchy carbohydrates are 4 kcals per g,
-       Proteins are 4 kcals per g
-       Fat is 9 kcals per g.

“I don’t like fruit and vegetables” I hear you scream!  So try something new – sweet potato, doughnut (or Saturn) peaches, grilled pineapple are all delicious.  On a budget? Try a wonky vegetable box from your local supermarket, just as nourishing and there’s an element of fun in seeing a tomato with a nose, which looks like a face J

Tip: Keep fruit and vegetables whole or make home made smoothie (not juices- as you will be throwing away much of the goodness).


4) ) Forget starvation:
Drop your calories too low and your body senses a threat to life. In response it down regulates many functions to preserve life. A body lacking energy will behave as such: slow, lethargic, threatened, your hormones will be all over the shop and your metabolism will slow in order to cope. Understanding your energy requirement is critical to optimising life, use the link below to calculate how much energy you need:


5) Sleep (Yes rest can help you lose weight):
You eat well, you move lots, you hydrate but you’re still not losing weight? How much do you rest? Most adults require between 7.5 and 9 hours sleep per night. Sleep is really important, it’s an opportunity for you to process thoughts, rest and repair, balance hormones (particularly leptin and ghrelin AKA hunger hormones), which aid weight loss.
Sleep is the way your body preserves itself. You need it!

Read more here:


6) Celebrate small successes:
The mountain that separates where you are today and where you want to be, is huge right? So celebrate when you reach base camp. Having made the journey from obese to where I am today I know that If I had focused on the long term goal (over 8 stones/ 100lbs) in weight loss I would have become pretty disheartened every time I made a mistake. To succeed we must learn to enjoy small successes: walking for 5 minutes extra per day, preparing dinner using single ingredients, drinking more water.

Find a way to celebrate these successes in a healthy manner, try to avoid rewarding with food. Celebrate with a new album from I-tunes, a pair of shoes, or a new dress. If these things are out of reach financially then keep it simple, a five minute break after you have got home from work doing absolutely nothing but drinking that hot cup of tea, a relaxing bath, a walk around your garden… basically you choose something that makes you feel good!


7) ) Build a lifestyle (not a DIEt)
I hate the word DIEt… it contains the word DIE, that can’t be good! Over the years I have seen clients, family and friends setting themselves up to fail, trying the latest fad DIEt. How long do you think you can live on cabbage soup? Seriously?

Build a lifestyle, which you are happy with, one, which supports your goal, one that you can stick with! Yoyo dieting (diet, give up because its too hard, diet again) does more to damage health than to sustain it, put simply your body (particularly hunger hormones leptin and ghrelin) become out of balance and cortisol / adrenaline (stress hormones) are elevated.


8)    Eat slowly (slooowwwwllllyyyyyy):
Walk the dog, do some exercise, make dinner, pick the kids up from school, do some work from home, check social media, take an obligatory selfie, be a Wife, Mum, Sister,  Daughter Friend. Our whole lives seem to be geared around rushing…Rush, rush, quick, quick!

When was the last time you compared the time taken to prepare a meal with the time taken to eat it? SLOOOOWWWWWW down, according to http: // eating slowly and mindfully can help you eat less but more importantly it enhances the pleasure of the dining.


9) Snack wisely (include protein to boost satisfaction and reduce cravings):
When time is at a premium, snacks offer consistent energy throughout the day, for many people fruit is the snack of choice, a great choice at that, but even better if we can add a bit of protein! Studies have found that increasing protein can reduce cravings by up to 60% Great snack choices include: cottage cheese, peanut butter, nuts and hummus, all of these can be added to a fruit or vegetable to make the Perfect Snack. – Watch point: getting the volume of a single snack right is really important (for many a snack of 150-200 kcal is a good place to start)


10) Be patient (learn to fail!):
It’s 10 years since you were in shape, it’s going to take more than 10 minutes to get back there. The road to health is a long one, with many twists, turns and opportunities to screw up: Birthdays, Weddings, Funerals, Graduations, Easter, Halloween, New Year, Christmas, WEEKENDS. Learn that any form of self-improvement requires mistakes. Learn from your mistakes, embrace them as experiences, move on and stay consistent.

More about failure here:


If you would like to talk to me about how you can loose weight and keep it off for the long term – then why not get in touch call me on 01273 258212


Andy Payne is a personal trainer, based near Brighton in East Sussex, and founder of Three Pillars of Fitness. You can follow him on facebook and twitter  

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